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  • Practice Active Listening (exercise) & January Improv Jams - #56

Practice Active Listening (exercise) & January Improv Jams - #56

Newsletter #56: You can be present to listen better - one thing to try for that. And an article about literalism in comedy, new jams with Jenice & Keri, and an animated audio drama

I like improv. And funny stuff. And funny looking stuff. And facts. And dogs. And cats. And music. Hello. And I like learning new things, like what you’re into. So what are you into? What’s going on?

I am also going to talk about improv a bit more in this newsletter. This week, I’ll start a new series called One Thing to Try, which is just a simple improv or comedy tip to try out this week (or next week if you’re not doing any improv this week).

I’ll try to focus on things you can practice on your own. But really, we’ll just see how this goes and it will certainly be about improvs.

In this week's newsletter you will find:

  • One thing to try: Being present through listening

  • An article about literalism in improv 

  • Improv jams and livestreams coming up now and in January

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One Thing to Try: Being present to hear unusual things

Being present is difficult. Listening is hard, despite how much we have to listen every day outside of improv. But getting good at being present and really listening can help you pick up on unusual things, those offers that are fun to play with in a scene.

One way to practice this is listening for unusual things while you’re watching - well - pretty much anything. You can be watching a documentary, listening to a lecture on YouTube, or even a dramedy on Netflix. Or a Lifetime Christmas movie (oof). Or maybe even reading.

What’s leaps out? What would you play with? You can even do this while watching an improv livestream (and you win a free cookie if that thing you noticed ends up being the game).

But this is a big help in learning to just listen, to stay present, to not let your mind wander to your to-do list.

Practice ACTIVE listening.

Letting your mind wander is what happens half the time when watching a show (or I guess 100% of the time if it’s a Lifetime Christmas movie).

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Improv resources, podcasts & shows

Some new improv and comedy things to check out this week from the online space. Everything is free and accessible to you, right now!

  • Article 1: Literally about literalism in improv (Neurodiversity in Improv) [Read Article]

thumbnail that has logo for Neurodivergent Minds in Comedy up top with Literally about Literalism in Comedy in white text on blue background
  • Article 2: Sexy Santa is coming for your Seriously Stupid Improv (Physical Media) [Read article]

  • Podcast animation: Released a full length animation for episode one of Unfuck Your Life (partially improvised audio drama) here:

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Improv Jams, Events, & Livestreams

These are a fun way to get in reps, have fun, and meet new friends! They are online and free, so no matter where you are, you can attend. And at the end of this section is a button you should use to send in your stuff to me (hi - I’m Jen).

Online Improv Jams

Check out these great online improv jams from the community! These jams are organized by their respective hosts, so please contact them with any questions. Click the links provided to find out more information about each jam and sign up!

Eventbrite image captures of the three jams mentioned in the bullet points above

Ongoing Community Jams

  • Audio Online Improv Jams: Mondays 4-6pm PT and Saturdays 2pm-4pm PT on oozebear.com . Open to all!

Improv & Comedy Livestreams

Comedy Livestreams that I think look pretty cool that happen to be coming up soon or available right now (no affiliation):

  • Until Dec 25th: CONNOR RATLIFF presents THE ACTING CLASS, focused entirely on the art & craft of playing the role of "Santa Claus" at a professional level. [Livestream info]

  • Jan 8th: Artists on Artists on Artists on Artists LIVE!with special guests Paul F. Tompkins, Caitlin Reilly, and Amanda Lehan-Canto [Livestream]

  • Jan 15th: West Wing Writers Presents: Speakeasy [Livestream]

Do you have a stage show that’s livestreamed and want it added? Or a FREE jam or workshop I should add? Reach out or comment on the website for the next newsletter (every two weeks).

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Fact or Word of the Week

As per usual, here's yet another fact or word of the week…. this week we have a word. Heck yeah, WORDS RULE!

WORD: Adronitis. This word is for the emotion that you feel when frustrated it is taking too long to get to know someone. Uh… feeling called out on this one.

Do you have a cool fact or word I should add to this section? I know you do. Let us know in the comments for this post! (Click the button above or below)

Gradient text that reads that's it improvisers!

A real human wrote this. Not AI! And a real human makes these following things too. It’s getting more and more difficult to find real human creations online, so I’ll help you access some more things that are. Check these real human made things below!

Subscribe to the StereoForest newsletter for updates and links to improv and comedy podcasts and other creative shows, BONUS content, and opportunities to be a guest. It’s free!

my warmest of regards and salutations from my cold, damp and lonely forest cavern bunker forest dwelling house,

Jen deHaan

BONUS SONG SHARE: Old Devil Moon by dodie. WHAT ARE YOU LISTENING TO? Let me know using this link or button (depends on what you’re looking at this newsletter in) —


or to participate.